Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Today in the NICU...

First I must thank everyone over and over again for all the support, prayers and encouragment that you give our new family everyday. I must say that it is so nice to have all 3 babies in 1 room in the same state. The NICU at Fletcher Allen is home right now and I am so happy to have them all in the same aisle with familiar nurses watching over them. Boston was difficult-but the best place to be considering the heart surgery Katie needed. I am so thankful for Children's Hospital of Boston, they took such great care of Katie and consoled me all day for 5 days. The Cardiologist who did Katie's PDA repair came out to talk to me after the surgery was complete and told me that her surgery was absolutely necessary and she did very well. The surgery can last 45mins to an hour and Katie's lasted 15 mins, a good mix of incredible surgeons and one strong fighting baby who really wants to be here as much as we want her here. Today Katie is stable, moving all over the place in her incubator, nice consistent heart rate and blood pressure, and eating!!! They began feeds today of course only .9cc's just to "prime her gut" for larger feedings. She will most likely not need injected steroids because her lungs have always been stronger than her siblings from the start, she will get inhaled steroids though. Her eyes are open and she is starting to show signs of sucking-we tried a preemie pacifier and she sucked on it for a few seconds and fell asleep, it was cute but hard to fit a pacifier in a mouth full of tubes but worth the try. Overall Katie is still fiesty, a fighter, and our beautiful daughter.

Anna is well, she is breathing even more now on her own thanks to the steroid treatment. She looks around so much-she can only really see lights and some movement it will be a while before they will focus and see. They briefly discussed during rounds today taking her off the ventilator because she is so low on settings but they are going to wait until she is much more stable with her breathing and heart rate. The time will be soon which has us very nervous because babies usually after a few days get "lazy" with breathing on their own and they must be re-intibated (put back on vent support) which we have seen happen in the NICU with other babies, it is very emergent looking and lots of doctors and nurses have to get involved but they have to get off ventilators at some point. Anna shows us and the NICU team daily how strong she is . She is starting to slowly fill out around her face and looks like she has gained weight although she is 1 ounce above birth weight of 1lb 6ounces. All 3 babies go up and down with weight everyday. Anna is so beautiful and loves to hold our fingers she is our little snuggler.

Nicholas is also doing well. Nicholas and Anna are pretty much dealing with the same issues and showing improvement the same also. Nicholas loves to eat and at his last weight check was up to 1lb 12 ounces. I don't think I will be able to pump enought milk to feed all 3 if Nicholas continues to use up the whole supply-just kidding. He is very adorable with his huge dark blue eyes looking all over the place. The nurses comment on his red hair and white beard all the time, gotta love that fine hair that covers every inch of their small bodies-for some reason Nicholas has 3 times the amount. But he is so handsome!

Again, we are just so appreciative and thankful for what everyone is doing for us, food, gifts, prayers and warm wishes we thank you all!!! I can't wait for Anna, Katie, and Nicholas to meet all the wonderful and supportive people we have been blessed to know. Thanks to you all for being part of our lives!!!

God Bless and be well.

Sarah, Louie, Anna, Katie and Nicholas


Robin Guglielmo said...

Sarah and Louie, I cant wait to meet Anna, Katie and Nicholas. It is so wonderful to hear what they are doing. Your reports remind me so much of when Erin was there and the updates that we use to get because we couldnt visit her. Thank you for taking the time to keep us posted. Our thoughts and prayers are with you everyday.

Marty, Robin and Corbin

Unknown said...

Sarah,Louie,Anna,Katie,and Nicholas,
We do love you all and want you babies to keep getting stronger everyday Louie and Sarah keep the faith you are very much loved here at home and you have a network of people praying and thinking of you everyday. We can't wait to see the little Angels!!!!! Love you Charlie Joyce and Caitlin

Anonymous said...

It's so great to get these reports and know things are progressing in VT. You guys are never far from our thoughts... I can't wait to see them!!! Much love Kim, Dave and Kate

fayfamily said...

Thanks for the update! we check all the time for little bits of info! our thoughts and prayers are with you always!- by the way - the pink blanket that katie(?) or maybe it was anna had in her incubator was the same one that Jenna had when she was there!!! It was funny to see it in th earlier pics! Jon and I were like"hey! that was jenna's!" they are getting so "big" and adorable! can't wait to hold them!
Jon, kim, blake and jenna

Kelsey and Doug said...

thank you so much for the update. i check the bog every day before school and it makes my day to hear how you and the babies are doing. i can't imagine how exciting it must be to beable to watch them move around and notice more things. them must be amazed at all the stuff around them now. wait until you guys get home and they are surrounded by friends and family. I can't wait. we love and miss you Sarah and Louie. You two and your 3 beautiful babies are in our thoughts everyday

Anonymous said...

our thoughts and prayers are with you every day.what beautiful babies you have,can't wait to see them "up close and personal"lol.god bless and love you guys.janet and rick