Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nicholas Surgery

Sarah just left me a message with a brief update:

Nicholas is having his hernia surgery this morning. Please send lots of positive thoughts and prayers! We know how tough that little guy is, and I'm sure he'll do fine!

Anna and Katie still aren't eating enough on their own to be released from the hospital, but the doctors say that it could happen quickly, and they could all of a sudden start eating a lot on their own.

I think they're just holding out until they know Nicholas is ready. :-) He's going to lead the pack home!

Love to you all!


April Smith said...

I will be saying a ton of prayers that all goes well and that he is soon on the way to recovery! I can not wait to read the words..."THEY ARE COMING HOME!"

I just LOVE all of the pictures! What sweet, perfect, beautiful little angels!

One site that I have had great luck with as far as digital scrapbooking...is shutterfly.com You upload all of the photos that you want to use and than can just click and drag the pictures where you want them etc. The books that they make are just beautiful!

I will be stalking for an update on Nicholas's surgery!

Robin Guglielmo said...

Happy to hear that Nicholas has had his surgery and is one step closer to coming home. Looking forward to the update that says they are on their way home. Sending lot of love and prayers your way. XXXOOO
Robin, Marty and Corbin