Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wow...Happy 1st Birthday

It has been such a long time since I have posted an update. Most know that the babies are doing fantastic thankfully. It has been such a long road and as I look back I can't believe how far we have come and all the hurdles we have jumped. This day 1 year ago we was so terrified and uncertain of the outcome of having my babies at 24 weeks and under 2 lbs. The days, weeks and months that followed were never easy but we made it and even on the hardest days found so much support from all the people that were always there for us. Prayers, warm wishes, gifts, visits to the hospital just to give us a hug, we always had support and we thank you all so much. Nothing ever went unnoticed and it has also never been forgotten. We are forever thankful for all of you.
Nicholas is a bunch of non stop fun, always crawling after you, tugging on your pant leg and looking up just to smile at you. He is a bit of a dare devil but it keeps us on our toes, he has a lot to say just like me, he loves to yell out MOM, BOB, BABA, UP, and other jibberish. He is not much of a sleeper, a solid 15 is all he needs to recharge during the day and at night every 2-3 hours he wants to get up and play, eat, or snuggle so we are in the process of working on a strict schedule to keep him sleeping but he is winning and I am not sleeping. What can you do? He is such a love and our handsome son now weighing 18lbs 13oz. Born at 7:39am, 1lb 10oz . Happy 1st Birthday Nicholas Louis.
Oh Anna...lots of spunk in her! She smiles at you with 2 perfect dimples and 2 bottom teeth and then does the fastest army crawl I have we have ever seen to get a toy to stare at and inspect. She loves every detail of every object she sees and although she hasn't spoke a real word she has a lot to say and a perfect expression to show you her mood. Gotta love it! Anna is full of energy and loves to play play play. She is our darling peanut weighing 16lbs 5oz. Born at 7:38am, 1lb 7.5oz. Happy 1st Birthday Anna Claire.

Our precious Katie is such a joy, she is so quiet and loves to just sit and play all day. She enjoys sleeping and usually makes it through the night, which is really nice since I am out straight running the midnight marathon Nick and Anna put me through. Katie loves to be held close and every now and then rips out your earrings if your not careful. Good times! Katie still has a few ongoing medical issues but is doing just fine, we work very hard with her everyday and she has a great team of doctors helping her. Katie has one perfect little bottom tooth that shows all day long with her great big happy smiles. Katie today weighs a whopping 17lbs 2.5oz. Born one year ago today at 7:38am, 1lb 6oz. Happy 1st Birthday Katie Lauryn.
We are celebrating their first birthday tomorrow and we will have lots of pictures to follow. In closing, since now all the kids are awake I just want you all to know how much we appreciate every day with these miracles and are so thankful for prayers answered. We couldn't of done it without all of you and your support. Love you all!!! God bless and be well.
Sarah, Louie, Anna, Katie and Nicholas Adragna

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So wonderful. Looking forward to seeing party photos- sorry I missed it (scheduled to work ;)) Thinking of all of you and the great times we shared together last fall/winter in NICU and NTS!

Jenn M.